Hepatitis B suit legal counsel nationwide

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What is hepatitis B suit?

What is hepatitis B suit?

In Japan, since 1948, all citizens and residents have been forced to collectively vaccinate in early childhood by law (immunization law etc.). By continuous use of the syringe at that time, the citizens and residents of 400 thousand people (estimated by the government) were infected with hepatitis B virus. These infected victims have suffered from anxiety of future onset (in case of asymptomatic career) and diseases of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, without receiving any relief from the government so far. The trial where these victims sought compensations for damage based on the legal responsibility of the government is a hepatitis B lawsuit nationwide.

Regarding the responsibility of the government, the Supreme Court decided that this situation had been happened by the negligence of the government in June 2006, five years ago. However, even though the plaintiffs of the time (five plaintiffs in Hokkaido) requested to take remedial measures for the same kinds of victims as a whole, the government and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare refused this, so the victims as a group sued and fought against the government at 10 district courts in Japan from 2008.

The establishment of basic agreement

From May 2010, the Sapporo District Court began a settlement consultation between the plaintiff corps nationwide and the government for plaintiffs nationwide and plaintiffs who will suit the government. After suffering, on May 13, 2011, three years after filing the complaint, we confirmed formally that both plaintiffs and the government accept an observation of the Sapporo District Court about settlement.

And on June 28, 2011, under the formal apology of the government (Prime Minister), a basic agreement was signed between the government, the plaintiff corps nationwide and our legal counsel and it was established.

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